
CD Graduation Catering @LLUBMC

We did a catering party for 100-150 people today at the CD (Chemical Dependency) Graduation party. Theme colors were Cream and Blue.

Menu items include: Cheese puff pastry and spinach cheese puff pastry

4 varities Gourmet Brownies, gourmet cookies (M&M and chucky chocolate chip)

Fruit platters

Vegetable platters & Artichoke DIp

Bombel cheese and grapes platter

Drinks: Water, Orange juice, Apple Juice, Cranberry juice


Sysco Food Show

@ Anaheim Convention Center

Some pictures to wet your appetite :)

cherry tomato jelly (for diets)
Sushi Denbu- traditional Japanese food to decorate sushi.
red bean mochi

Decorative pieces

fresh produce

Disclaimer: All the recipes posted are for my personal references and/or adapted from mentioned instructors or books. They/I reserve the rights to it. Please remember to cite your sources! Thank you.